Saturday 22 May 2010

Attica Rage - Making the Album & stuff

I've not long put up Attica Rage - Making the Album on Youtube and Vimeo (vastly superior in my opinion). If you watch them can you please click the 'like' button. It will increase its chance of being found in searches. Here are the links:

Attica Rage - Making the Album from Colin Wood on Vimeo.

Unfortunately the film didn't win any prizes at the UWS student showcase. Heavy metal bands don't exactly appeal to stuffy lecturer types. Oh well! I guess I'll have to make the feature length film so undeniably good that they have no choice to give me an award.

This week saw me get my first paid job on an actual set. It was an STV produced dramadocumentary on Scottish murderers. It was pretty cool seeing an experienced cast and crew work. I only wish I could have gotten my hands on the camera. I suppose you've got to start at the bottom, right? Anyway, I think I learned a lot and everyone involved was nice and more than willing to answer questions. I'd definately like to do more of this in the future.

Just over a week away is my Hard Rock Hell - Road Trip adventure in Ibiza with Attica Rage. It should be an experience and a half.