Sunday, 22 August 2010

15 Times Dead gig and other news

At long last I'm managing to post the 15 Times Dead set I filmed last December with my crew (Keith Wood,Calum MacPhail,Joe Dunnigan,Michael Sherington,James Grierson,Martin Jelonek). I had been struggling to find the time to actually sit down and edit it due to other commitments so I gave it to my wee brother, Keith, to do for me. I like to compare it to a school bully getting someone else to do his homework. Seriously though, I though It'd be a good opportunity for him to learn how to edit and if he can do a 7 camera gig shoot on his first editing job then everything else should be a piece of piss. The playlist below is what he came up with. I would have done some things differently but overall he done a great job on his first time out.

In other news. Monday the 16th saw me complete my second day filming for the STV as a "camera assistant". The production is a documentary for BBC Alba on Scottish Killers (apparently there have been quite a few). So basically if you want to know who fetched batteries, held up jib arms, moved fridges, and accidently spilled water on a dolly (Sorry Rick) then look for my name in the credits. Overall it was a fun experience and a few extra bucks in my pocket. Cheers to Paul Tucker for giving me the opportunity.

Over the next couple of months I have quite a few things planned and hope to be kept busy until University commences at the end of September. I look forward to reporting on them soon.